Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lab #7 Census Data 2000

The Asian population is more concentrated in the West coast as well as the North-Eastern coast. This phenomenon is probably due to the large Asian immigration to the United States a few generations ago. Asian immigrated to the United States for a better living standard, which mostly located at urbanized areas like Los Angeles and New York City. The highest concentration of Asian population is located in the West coast with 46%, which means that almost half of the population living there is Asian.

 The Asian-American population is more dense in the South-Eastern of the United States. This phenomenon can be explained by the historical factor. Before 19th century, the slavery was labored mostly in the South states. After the slavery was prohibited by the law in the 19th century, African-Americans remained in South states. For various of social and economic factors, African-American population became the majority in the South. The area with the highest African-American population concentration is 86.5%.

Some other population is more dense in the South-Western coast. This phenomenon may be explained by the immigration of the Hispanic roots since Mexico is in that direction. Other race people in the United States is not well-spread. More other race population in the West than those of in the East, and more in the South than those of in the North. Compared to Asian and Black population, other race population do not have a particular high concentration in on area. The highest percentage is 39%.

After a few labs, I figured out the great potential of ArcGIS. I was surprised that I was able to make my own map too. ArcGIS is a pretty useful tool for map makers. Sometimes, the analysis can be population distribution, physical attributes...etc. I have never used ArcGIS before, so I felt that I have more to learn about ArcGIS. I see ArcGIS as an useful tool for all career field; therefore, I am looking forward to learn more about the capabilities of ArcGIS and become a worthy mapmaker.

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